Weird Things

This page contains things that I thought were cool but were too strange to put anywhere else. If for some strange reason you think these are stupid and shouldn't be allowed on the web then...don't look at them! Enjoy!

I got bored one day so I decided to make some movies. These are not the kind of movies you are thinking about....these are weird! Each one is about 2-4 seconds long. Please email me and tell me what you think about them.

1. In the first video I take off my head, literally! Get it here.

2. The second video has a kind of exorcist effect. Get it here.

3. In this video I get in a fight with myself and heads start rolling! Get it here.

4. In this video I demonstate my strength by lifting up my house! That is my mom standing in the door.Get it here.

As you can see the war continues even now between windows and apple computers. I'm going for windows even though it does crash every few minutes.

If you want to see something REALLY cool then click here.

It's best games ever written. The graphics are great and challenge level is hard but not too hard. This is just a demo but I'm sure you can find a copy somewhere on the web. Go here to see it.

If any of you millionaires out there feel like giving me a new car then may I reccomend this one.

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