
Click here, here or here to go to the NETSCAPE homepage.

You could also click here to go to HappyPuppy-a place where you can get the latest game demos.

By now you are probably wondering "How can I create a great web page like this?" Well, you could click here and get a great web editor called Hotdog.

A computer is just not complete unless it has a cool screen saver. To go to screen saver heaven, click here.

If you ever want to go to an amusement park homepage, click here. It is a page with links to amusement parks.

If you like the java on this page then you should go here. That is where I got most of my stuff from.

A very common object, they can be found in your mailbox once, or even twice a month! Yes, its the AOL disks! If you don't know what to do with them then maybe you should check out 101 things to do with AOL disks!

Don't you hate how Win 95 is always crashing. Maybe you should find out Windows95 Annoyances

If you want your own web page then go to Tripod where you can get a free page with 11 megs.

Pictures|Info about me |Java|Weird Things|Main